meet phil smith...
today we have a guest on the blog! meet Phil Smith, all round trendy bloke, Traidcraft employee and Festival regular. He's agreed to dish the dirt for us here on the youth blog about life, working in fair trade and his favourite team...
Hi Phil! Welcome to the festival youthblog! Tell us about yourself.
Hey y’all! Phil Smith here, former youth-worker in Darlington and now working hard at Traidcraft in Gateshead. Who am I? DJ, footy fan, driver, uncle of three (soon to be four), god-father and all-round nice guy!!!
At 10.30am on a Monday morning where would we find you?
Sat at my desk, working hard fighting poverty through trade. Hmm… perhaps that is not the most descriptive answer I could give... I work for Traidcraft (think fair-trade) and my job is to encourage and assist people who want to sell/use fair-trade products in their school/churches/offices. Another part of my job is to develop Traidcraft’s work amongst young people and encourage you lot to buy fair-trade.
What’s your dream holiday?
Went to south west Ireland a couple of years ago. It was great so I’d probably go there again or maybe to Cuba.
Do you believe in God?
Yes, yes a thousand times yes!
What’s your favourite website?
Howies they have the coolest clothing and a really good ethical policy- so the clothes aren’t saturated in chemicals and workers aren’t abused…
If you had a really big decision to make, what would you do to help you make it?
I’d probably ask my fiancé zoe, consult a few wise Christians I have on speed-dial and ask the boss to help me make the right decision… and then I’d go for it.
What football team do you support?
Liverpool, Champions of Europe.
Spent the first eight years of my life in Liverpool and then lived in Manchester for ten years. While living in Manchester I got bullied a bit for supporting the mighty reds as a result it became a bit of a die hard commitment.
When have felt closest to God?
Probably a couple of years ago when I was studying at Cliff. That was a real special time, in what remains a really special place.
What’s your favourite CD?
Probably Joshua Tree by U2. But just bought the Arctic Monkeys CD so think that might be playing a lot over the next few weeks.