hunt for the best cracker jokes!
now then, it is that wonderful time of year when we get all excited about what might be contained in our christmas crackers. who cares about the hat or the plastic presents that get thrown in the bin, the thing we care about is the jokes! The jokes that are so bad that they hurt, the same jokes that appear year after year, the jokes that just aren't funny but without them our christmas would not be complete!
below are some jokes that have been found in crackers already, as you can see they are so unfunny that they are painful! Here goes:
Q: why don't ducks tell jokes when they're flying?
A: because they would quack up!
Q: How do you make gold soup?
A: put nine carrots in it!
Q: where do fish get their petrol?
A: shell!
Q: why was Cinderella no good at football?
A: because her coach was a pumpkin!
Q: why don't robots have brothers?
A: because they all have trans-sisters!
So there you go folks, lets hope that your cracker jjokes are as good as them. if you come across any better ones (or worse) then post them so we can all share them.
i have a joke that so isnt funny! here it goes!
can you use green, pink and yellow in one sentence??
When the phone goes green green you pink it up and say yellow!!
Totally unfunny i kow but just thought i would share it!
amy x
15 December, 2005 18:28
why did the monkey fall out of the tree? because it was dead.
16 December, 2005 03:19
I have a Stupid joke thats in our church nativity play
What to sheep cook there sausages on?
On the BAA-bercue
17 December, 2005 17:16
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18 December, 2005 20:54
Whats yellow and highly dangerous?
Shark infested custard
yes the old ones are just the best and my dad can come up with some really old ones
19 December, 2005 19:13
this isnt a joke but just thought i would write here!!
I cant believe how qucik christmas has came round this year! I can still remember it quite clearly last year!
So anyway i just want to wish everyone a very merry christmas and a happy, blessed new year!!!
God bless!!!
Love Amber xxx
21 December, 2005 14:45
why was 6 scared of 7
because 7, 8, 9
yes its come straight from the cracker
26 December, 2005 18:26
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