Festival 2008 23rd-27th May - Be there or be... sad!

Wednesday, February 22, 2006

dubble comp

Fancy a month's supply of Fairtrade chocolate?

Over on the tearfund youth site they're offering just that. Dubble are celebrating the launch of their new website
www.dubble.co.uk and have offered 30 bars of chocolate as a competition prize.

Simply answer the following question and complete the tie breaker.

Question: What is the name of the co-operative that produces the cocoa beans for Dubble? Hint: you may find the answer at www.dubble.co.uk

Tie breaker: In less than 20 words describe an original way of promoting Fairtrade.

E-mail your answers to liftthelabel@tearfund.org before the end of Fairtrade Fortnight - 19th March.

Sunday, February 19, 2006

moan moan moan...

Sorry to hear the general moans about the youth blog not being updated enough. All the people who build and contribute to the blog do it in their spare time because they love Cliff and the Festival and wanted to provide something for the youth who come to the festival that is a bit more funky than the general cliff site.

At the moment there's no way that cliff can afford to employ someone to maintain the site or do the youthwork at the festival and so we're doing the best we can. It has to fit in between fulltime jobs, local church and youthwork, visiting family and friends, cooking a meal, feeding the dog etc etc...

The comments space is a place where you can post what you want. If you want to have a chat/start a debate/let us know what you're up to/chat about faith or ask a question/make a suggestion then you're welcome to use the space for that.

Or, if you're feeling very keen you can always write a draft post and e-mail it to us at festivalyouthteam@hotmail.com and if we like it we'll use it.

Otherwise, please remember we're doing our best!