moan moan moan...
Sorry to hear the general moans about the youth blog not being updated enough. All the people who build and contribute to the blog do it in their spare time because they love Cliff and the Festival and wanted to provide something for the youth who come to the festival that is a bit more funky than the general cliff site.
At the moment there's no way that cliff can afford to employ someone to maintain the site or do the youthwork at the festival and so we're doing the best we can. It has to fit in between fulltime jobs, local church and youthwork, visiting family and friends, cooking a meal, feeding the dog etc etc...
The comments space is a place where you can post what you want. If you want to have a chat/start a debate/let us know what you're up to/chat about faith or ask a question/make a suggestion then you're welcome to use the space for that.
Or, if you're feeling very keen you can always write a draft post and e-mail it to us at and if we like it we'll use it.
Otherwise, please remember we're doing our best!
yeah true......well lets start one about activites at the festival that would be good? any ideas? or if you want things to be longer like ignite ext(like i do) orrrrrr have more things like ignite(like i do) i duno jus ideas
20 February, 2006 03:11
i would love to just have a jammin session fo praise songs non stop!! And would like to see the return of LNE and area 51!
And some other things for youth through the day time aswell as the night!!
20 February, 2006 11:01
trueeee sorry if it all sounded like moans. I also agree that at festival there should be some other things to do during the day because when our family comes we stay off site so have to travel back each night so we can't do the late at night stuff
20 February, 2006 16:34
i think that some more lively youth events through the day is a really good idea!! I am a person who afrees with the jammin session of praise songs because i really enjoy singing and really like the parise music! especially so wonderful, so wonderful is your unveiling love! I so wish i could get that song!
20 February, 2006 21:57
Hi everyone, thanks for your comments. We are planning hard at the minute to make sure the festival is to your liking. We will make sure that all your comments are passed onto the event planning team. It is really helpful to know what you guys want!
20 February, 2006 23:29
lol yeah its kl, trips are good or just places 2 go during the day, not chadwicks has gone theres nowhere 2 chill with every1. the chillout tent is good an there should be things like that! any 1 want stuff like tht?
21 February, 2006 16:06
a place to chill like the chill out tent was good
21 February, 2006 18:50
i liked the chill out tent aswell, it is a great place to chill after the long day and meet new friends to end the night calmly!
But also like the others are saying there needs to be more lively things during the day for the youth to do!
21 February, 2006 21:02
s like a dance or something lol, well what have the youth team got planned so far lol?
22 February, 2006 00:02
i agree wiv all things that have been said here but one question what actually was/is ignite?
22 February, 2006 16:34
lol did u never go 2 ignite? its like lne but at a diff time and more 4 youth
22 February, 2006 19:27
ooh was it what they called the evening meetings i was probably there but just never realise what it was called knowing me!lol
23 February, 2006 15:29
I wonder which bands will be there this year because we have had Yfriday the other year and Myspoon last year ( which by the way you were all great)
I just love the live music and the singing and praising god! I agree with a meeting where we just sing non-stop that will be great!
23 February, 2006 16:49
lol yeah but i dnt wanna stand for all of it bcos im lazzy:P what trips do u think would be good like out 2 places type?
24 February, 2006 01:13
i personally like standing and jumping around and dancing while im singing!! Its great!
I just love singing altogether!
But please try and get us a night of just non stop praise and worship! it will be great and im sure some other people will enjoy it aswell as the ones that are visiting this page
24 February, 2006 21:23
yeh id enjoy that cos its so fun not like some other churches ive bin to round nr wer i live there jst boring slow hyms (no offence if any1 likes them)
oh yeh and r we getting a band this year cos i rily enjoyed my spoon
25 February, 2006 15:22
i dont like all the slow ones either so your not alone on that one!
I really enjoyed myspoon aswell, they were great i thought!
I like lively songs and i liekto sing a lot aswell
25 February, 2006 15:46
My spoon rock!
26 February, 2006 18:10
what trips could we go on
27 February, 2006 01:54
I think, dance, breakdance, acting and other such workshops are a great idea for during the days and maybe what we learn during the workshops we could use on one of the LNE's or other worship things to show that us young ones love to take part in worship? What you all reckon?
27 February, 2006 12:52
i think thatis a great idea!! like doing sketches and things! i love worship!! and i like taking part as much as i can aswell!
27 February, 2006 13:56
yeh that would be fun cos like if people dont know each other dance + acting gets people moving and talking + it i just enjoy that sort of stuff!
27 February, 2006 17:10
yeah because when you are in worship you dont really get to mix with people and make new friends!
But if there was some workshops going on during the day then everyone can make new friends and have lots more fun! And its we all get to meet new people and hang out with them after the events and things! that would be well cool!
27 February, 2006 22:33
u bet it would! also maybe ( this doesnt apply to me) do workshops like art or somat 4 people who dont like perfoming
01 March, 2006 19:17
i hate art i hate performing. cant we jus chill up, 4 get workshops , sounds like were 4 or on some teacher training day.
02 March, 2006 01:34
i think it is a good idea to do the workshops you can chill and make new friedns and everything aswell as have fun all ot the same time! it sounds good to me!
02 March, 2006 16:23
im not making some paper mache crap tho lol
03 March, 2006 00:21
"Hello and welcome to cliff college teacher training day this morning we will be making paper mache crap and this afternoon we will be perfoming a naf dance"
Sound anything like it! lol (joke)
04 March, 2006 13:30
LOL!!! yeah, i swear if its anything like that then its back home 4 me lol
05 March, 2006 01:42
welll I should hope it isnt!!lol
oh yeh and check out my website below
05 March, 2006 16:03
well of course its not gonna be like a teachers training day! its just something fun for people to get to know one an other and for sojmething to do during the day! and everyone doesnt have to go so stop complaingin just cos everyone is making suggestions it doesnt mean to say its gonna happen and even if it did you wouldnt have to go to the sessions anyway its not like its compusory or anything like that! Its just suggestions so please stop going on ridiculous!
05 March, 2006 22:27
look, chill out. the whole point this is here is so tht we can express our views,right? so its not really complaning if we tell them and show them what people are thinking, after all were only gonna have a better week if they know what we want and without ppl saying i think this would be good, but some ppl arnt good at art ext then they wont know what to do, so i dont see how this is ridiculous, dont get so worked up about nothing, but feel free 2 tell everyone what u would want
07 March, 2006 01:43
we should have a bouncy castle and a tv room
09 March, 2006 00:24
im not too sure about abouncy castle but i tv room would be good! but the problem is we wont have time to watch tv!
09 March, 2006 08:50
well i fink that kinda like a bouncy castle like them things that u have like duels wiv that r inflatable that wud b fun!
09 March, 2006 18:48
does anyone know what bands are going to be at festival this year??
And what sort of things will be going on during the day???
11 March, 2006 17:47
there should be a cyber cafe and a games room
13 March, 2006 23:07
that wud b fun!
15 March, 2006 15:55
yeah i think there should be some internet access because i cant live without internet!
i think that barn dance thing that was i think 2 years ago was good something like that would be good
15 March, 2006 18:33
yeah would be gd. any 1 have them days where u jus feel down for no reason, i mean everythings goin gr8 atm 4 me and yet i jus feel kinda :(, might b bcos my gfs goin away for 2 weeks but i duno:(
16 March, 2006 01:57
I think the chill out tent should stay and also i think in the corner of the chil out tent there should be a few of the students there so people can go and talk to them about some things what has happened or what they have felt during the day! I think that will be a great idea! Also in there we should have things like twister etc!
Dont know what any body else thinks!
Also i think throught the day there should be somewhere that people can go to and have people pray for them about different issues and maybe even family problems or something!
I sthe youth team looking at all of these comments??
18 March, 2006 21:38
Hi there
youth team are regularly checking in and keeping up with comments and discussion. Every comment is also sent through via e-mail to the youthteam leaders whenever anyone posts.
thanks for all your ideas. We have a planning sesh coming up in a couple of weeks and we will be looking at everything people have suggested and commented on and we will be doing our best to make it a great festival!
19 March, 2006 12:26
thats cool!!!
I am really looking forwad to coming to festival again! we are going to camp this year aswell! so even more fun!
I rreally cant wait!
its not that long now!
19 March, 2006 12:28
so what have the youth team actually got planned so far tpy,e anything instantly ruled out?? and what trips?
20 March, 2006 01:43
22 March, 2006 03:02
what trips do u wana go on
24 March, 2006 02:02
i dunno bt since wen did the youth team plan trips! ayway i reckon festival is gonna b so gd this yr even better than the last 1!
25 March, 2006 16:59
yeah! there is no need for for trips i dont think!
its one big religous trip that we go on anyway! and its absolutly fab i say!
25 March, 2006 17:05
what u on bout, since when did the youth team plan trips? since we tell them where we wana g we pay for htis and yet we get expnsive trips 2 expensive places. im not stayin in the college for a week doing nothing, everyone says yeah its great but its been so boring since it changed 2 being the festival rather than derwent week everythings changed and fromm everyone ive heard things off they agree its boring quite a lot of the time so i duno where you go to amused and have fun but it doesnt seem 2 be at the college.
26 March, 2006 02:37
well if u think it will be boring then dont go to festival
26 March, 2006 11:04
probs wont
26 March, 2006 15:38
im so looking forward to going to festival! i think it is going to be great! I really cant wait. What sort of things will be happening this year???
27 March, 2006 18:41
WELL SORRY!!lol(joke) anyway have the youth team decided wat/if a band is coming this year?
28 March, 2006 15:52
erm probs there will, wht bout my spoon? know drez has left but theyre still goin rite? im hungry
29 March, 2006 03:39
yeh my spoon were mint
31 March, 2006 15:55
I really liked my spoon aswell, and i enjoye dthe little band that played in area 51 you were all great !!
looking forward to festival this year
31 March, 2006 21:28
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