meet the team!
Yeh! Renie's back again this year at la festivale! She's a cool chick (prob all those discount monsoon clothes!) with a weak spot for trashy tv, but a big heart 4 God...
Name: Renie Gray
Job: Monsoon Head Office London
Favourite food:Chocs, crisps,sweets and lots of other healthy food
Favourite Film: Point Break (Bank Robber Surfers with a Passion)
One of my favourite Bible Bits: Hebrew 12 "Running the race with perservance, forgetting all that is behind and pushing forward to win the prize Christ has called us to"
If I could Go Anywhere: Bondi Beach for surfing lessons, Whistlers for snowboarding lessons, New York Soho to shop (no lessons necessary), Ibiza to dance, A nice pub with a fire to chill & write my journal in..
Most Embrassing Moment: Tend to have one everyday, just watch me and you'll see what i mean
Favourite TV show: Sad but true....I loved "Celebrity Love Island" last year & Ship
Wrecked 2006, but I'll be cool and add in Lost, The Apprentice, Eastenders, Hollyoaks, T4 and to be totally honest I'll no doubt get sucked into Big Brother in a couple of weeks time. Getting a theme of Trash TV anyone??
One of my Biggest Influences: Cheesy but true...My Mum is an inspiration to me, she lives each day with a passion for God and for other people, she spends her entire life using all the many gifts and talents that God has blessed her with to serve others.
renie..were u in that austin powers movie??
foxy cleopatra!!??
you de bomb
26 May, 2006 19:46
Renie... If I only had known to look for you with thata name... I would have found you sooner!
16 May, 2008 10:17
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