Festival 2008 23rd-27th May - Be there or be... sad!

Wednesday, May 24, 2006

meet the team!

Yeh! Renie's back again this year at la festivale! She's a cool chick (prob all those discount monsoon clothes!) with a weak spot for trashy tv, but a big heart 4 God...

Name: Renie Gray

Job: Monsoon Head Office London

Favourite food:Chocs, crisps,sweets and lots of other healthy food

Favourite Film: Point Break (Bank Robber Surfers with a Passion)

One of my favourite Bible Bits: Hebrew 12 "Running the race with perservance, forgetting all that is behind and pushing forward to win the prize Christ has called us to"

If I could Go Anywhere: Bondi Beach for surfing lessons, Whistlers for snowboarding lessons, New York Soho to shop (no lessons necessary), Ibiza to dance, A nice pub with a fire to chill & write my journal in..

Most Embrassing Moment: Tend to have one everyday, just watch me and you'll see what i mean

Favourite TV show: Sad but true....I loved "Celebrity Love Island" last year & Ship
Wrecked 2006, but I'll be cool and add in Lost, The Apprentice, Eastenders, Hollyoaks, T4 and to be totally honest I'll no doubt get sucked into Big Brother in a couple of weeks time. Getting a theme of Trash TV anyone??

One of my Biggest Influences: Cheesy but true...My Mum is an inspiration to me, she lives each day with a passion for God and for other people, she spends her entire life using all the many gifts and talents that God has blessed her with to serve others.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

renie..were u in that austin powers movie??
foxy cleopatra!!??
you de bomb

26 May, 2006 19:46

Anonymous Anonymous said...

Renie... If I only had known to look for you with thata name... I would have found you sooner!

16 May, 2008 10:17


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